Thursday 30 June 2011

Pension reform in Ukraine.

The acception of Pension reform in the first voting (or reading) was probably the mainest event in the economical life of Ukraine on June, 2011. But it's also a question about the way of its acception in Ukrainian parliament, because many deputies vote often not only for themselves, but also for their absent deputies-friends. As the process of the voting for Pension reform wasn't shown on the TV, people must believe that all was honestly then.
And now about this Pension reform and why Ukrainians are against it. According to new Pension reform the pension age grew from 55 to 60 years for women and from 60 to 65 years for men. But many Ukrainian men live only to 63 years...Then it must be 30 years (instead of 20) for women and 35 years (instead of 25) for men of the official working experience to get a pension. But how many Ukrainians work illegally here in Ukraine or abroad for 5-10 and more years! They would be happy to work officially, of course, but work's legality is very often unfavorable for their employers, which say "or you'll work in such way (illegally) and will get money or you won't have any work". But finally what will be with these illegal workers according to Pension reform? They won't have any pension, will they? But they invest their money in the property, education, medicine etc. of their children and relatives...And Private Pension founds' creation is the most strange part in the new Pension reform. Now it is unique State Pension found in Ukraine. Why and for whom will such Private Pension founds create? It's the biggest question.

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