Monday, 16 February 2015

Ukrainian nation & Ukrainian politicians live in parallel worlds

I often think that Ukrainian nation and Ukrainian politicians live in some two parallel worlds which don't cross. 
When Donbas settlements are shelled by Russian military forces, Head of Communistic Party of Ukraine, former Ukrainian people's deputy and always big fan of Russian Federation Petro Symonenko recently, not any city of Donbas region and not any Russian city, but he was noticed and photographed in Frankfurt am Main airport by Ukrainian journalist Serhiy Sydorenko, from which main communist of Ukraine flew in Strasbourg on 26th January 2015. In general P. Symonenko enjoys to travel in European cities. Thus, Symonenko also visited Germany in August, 2014, relaxed in Vienna in July, 2014 and traveled with his wife in Barcelona in June, 2014 I can't understand why that politician who was and is against Ukraine's entry into European Union, but stands for close friendship between Ukraine and Russia, so, why he doesn't travel in Novosibirsk or Yakutsk, or Vladivistok, for example. 
At that time when Ukrianian militaries and civilians continue to die every day in Donbas, Ukrainian people's deputy and Head of palriamentary fraction of presidential Petro Poroshenko Block Yuriy Lutsenko and his wife and also people's deputy and member of Petro Poroshenko Block Iryna Lutsenko relaxed one week in Mauritus in January, 2015 And while many Ukrainian men are mobilized and are sent in so-called ATO zone to fight for Ukraine, son of Yuriy and Iryna Lutsenko Oleksandr Lutsenko had car accident in Kyiv on 9th February 2015 and in the result of collision of two cars, O. Lutsenko's car and car of Kyiv policeman Petro L., that militian died and an investigation very quickly said that O. Lutsenko was innocent, but another driver was guilty.  
While Donbas is becoming a big demolition, the richest Ukraine's person who became an oligarch thanks to many industrial enterprises in Donbas, where he was also born, former people's deputy Rinat Akhmetov moved from Donetsk to Kyiv yet in May of 2014 and, as Ukrainian news site "Vesti" wrote in June last year, the richest Ukraine's citizen lives in Kyiv suburb Koncha Zaspa nowadays.
Meanwhile many Ukrainian children hid themselves in bomb shelters in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, daughter of Ukraine's Prime Minister Sofiya Yatsenyuk took part in the choice of talent show "The Voice. Children-2" (Ukrainian version) on 8th February 2015. Happy child! Because she has time to sing joyful songs in such horrible period of real war in Ukraine, when some children become orphans. And happy parents, Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and his wife Tereza Yatsenyuk, who have time to visit such music show to see their child, when some Ukrainian parents bury their children, killed in the war for Donbas.
While Donetsk people live in terror and dread, Donetsk mayor Oleksandr Lukyanchenko travels in Brussels (03.02.2015) and earlier moved from Donetsk to Kyiv in July of 2014.
When many Ukrainian warriors were wounded in Donbas and their relatives haven't money for their medical treatment and/or expensive medicine, when thousands of people lost own home and work in Donbas and had to move from Donbas to other Ukrainian regions, then two daughters and one son of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, Oleksandra, Yevheniya and Mykhaylo Poroshenko study in England, as their mother and president's wife Maryna Poroshenko said in Ukrainian interview for TV-programme "Svitske zhyttya" ("Secular life") on 6th February 2015. But they must to study in Ukraine to get general full secondary education, which is obligatory for all children in Ukraine, according to Ukrainian laws. Or three Poroshenko's children aren't Ukrainian citizens anymore, are they? Or do Ukrainian laws mean nothing for president's family? Besides it, earlier Poroshenko's oldest son Oleksiy graduated at London economic school and so what? Did he invent or create something useful for Ukraine with his English high education? Where does he work in Ukraine? O. Poroshenko is Ukraine's people's deputy nowadays. And president P.Poroshenko is similar to president V.Yanukovych in it, who had one son Ukraine's people's deputy too. But, of course, presidents V. Yanukovych and P. Poroshenko are different, for example, V. Yanukovych didn't have business in Russia and his sons didn't have any foreign education.  
And three president's children Oleksandra, Yevheniya and Mykhaylo Poroshenko are officially considered the pupils of scandalous Klovskyy lyceum in Kyiv. Why scandalous? Because in summer of 2014 Kyiv militia began criminal investigation against Klovskyy lyceum's management, who issued diploma of general full secondary education as fine gifts to those pupils of 11th classes who didn't study in this lyceum in fact during one or two years, but studied abroad and visited Ukraine very rarely and official information of State Border Guard Service of Ukraine about border cross of such pupils of Klovskyy lyceum and also information from school class registers were the best prooves in the militia investigation, which was closed soon by General Public Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine...
Yet in May, 2014 Ukraine's media "Vesti" researched and published the information about British studying of two Poroshenko's daughters since November of 2013 in Concord College in Great Britain According to the site of that college , it's known a price for the next academic year 2015/2016 = 34 200 £, and if P. Poroshenko has three children who study there, cost of studying for all will be 102 600 £. And if today 1 English pound sterling is approximately 40 Ukrainian hryvnyas, so the cost of this British school education for 3 persons = 4 104 000 UAH. And do You know a size of the official minimal salary in Ukraine? 1 218 UAH per month! No comments.      

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