Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Losses of Ukrainian warriors and civilians in Donbas for the last two weeks

Reading about everyday losses of Ukrainian warriors and civilians in Donbas, everyone who is honest and objective human can say that it's not some antiterroristic operation against unknown terrorists in Donbas, but real war continues for a long time. It's hard to count real quantity of all Ukrainian victims in Donbas (in so-called ATO zone), because various informational sources and eye-witnesses say in Internet about more victims than Ukrainian military officials' sources tell in their everyday military reports, but even these stingy official reports show us Ukraine's horrible tragedy which is lasting since April of 2014 in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
According to officially counted losses of Ukraine's citizens in Donbas, the situation was the next during the last two weeks. Losses of Ukrainian warriors: 7 died, 24 wounded (25.01.); 9 died, 29 wounded (26.01.); 3 died, 15 wounded (27.01.); 5 died, 29 wounded (28.01.); 5 died, 23 wounded (29.01.); 15 died, 33 wounded (30.01.); 13 died, 20 wounded (31.01.); 5 died, 29 wounded (01.02.); 5 died, 27 wounded (02.02.); 4 died, 25 wounded (03.02.); 5 died, 29 wounded (04.02.); 2 died, 26 wounded (05.02.); 5 died, 26 wounded (06.02.); 12 died, 24 wounded (07.02.); 9 died, 26 wounded (08.02.); 7 died, 23 wounded (09.02.). Look how are losses of Ukrainian warriors only for the last 16 days! How many Ukrainian women became widows, how many parents lost their sons and children lost their fathers! And how many Ukrainian wounded defenders probably became invalids, getting serious wounds. And it's just an information according to the official data of Ukrainian state power, just published ciphers without names and surnames of killed and injured Ukrainian militaries! How it's a cynical treatment of Ukrainian officials towards Ukrainian defenders and their families! And You know what? Since April of 2014 till today there is no one official list of whole information about dead, injured and disappeared Ukrainian warriors, which could be available first of all for warriors' relatives and for society in general. For example, on 2nd February 2015 Ukraine's military officials told they didn't know destiny of 28 disappeared Ukrainian defenders of Donetsk airport and even didn't say their names and their towns or villages, where defenders lived. Or another example: on 5th February 2015 one alive Ukrainian defender of Donetsk airport was found under the airport's ruins and eight Ukrainian warriors were freed from the captivity, but nobody from Ukraine's state power said who was that found person and who were these freed militaries. Only stingy ciphers. I can't understand such bad treatment of Ukrainian officials towards those humans who defend Ukrainian land in Donbas. 
Another aspect of Ukrainian state power's bad treatment to Ukrainian warriors can be described to You, dear blog's reader, in the next example. On 4th February 2015 Military Public Prosecutor's Office of Kharkiv Garrison accused one battery commander of "Kyivska Rus" battalion Yevhen Tkachuk of non-doing orders of battalion commander and voluntary leaving Debaltseve with battery's warriors and he could be imprisoned to 10 years. Though 55 subordinates-warriors of Y. Tkachuk who were led out Debaltseve by him say that their arrested battery commander saved them a life and there weren't any orders from battalion commander, but instead of it their battery was sent in Debaltseve without necessary military technics and stores, and they hadn't any communication with battalion commander, but they could be killed by the enemies if Tkachuk didn't save them and didn't lead out. These 55 militaries refuse to fight without their battery commander Tkachuk and demand to free him and not to send other Ukrainian soldiers in ATO zone like they were sent. 
Meanwhile Ukrainian parliament voted changes to the law about clearance (or so-called lustration) of Ukrainian state power on 27th January 2015 and president Poroshenko signed these law changes on 30th January 2015. What are that law changes? So, according to voted changes, present and previous supreme officer part of Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, National Guard of Ukraine can be free from lustration, which is obligatory for others. Unbelievable changes in the law about state power's clearance! And if someone of Ukraine's supreme officer part was or is working against Ukrainian state for enemies' weal?
And what about losses of Ukrainian civilians in Donbas, which are bigger than losses among Ukrainian militaries, as Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko said at Munich Defence Conference on 7th February 2015, when he named terrible data - 5638 civilians died in Donbas since April of 2014 till nowadays. Unfortunately, Ukrainian state power doesn't publish everyday report about victims of Ukraine's civilian population in Donetsk and Luhansk regions. It's known such information about civic losses for the last two weeks, which I found on the diverse Ukraine's news sites and briefly write here. Losses of Ukrainian civilians: 2 died and 2 wounded in Popasna, Luhansk region (26.01.); 5 died and 10 wounded in Horlivka and 3 died in Dzerzhynsk in Donetsk region, 2 died and 3 wounded in Popasna, 6 wounded in Luhansk and 3 wounded in Shchastya in Luhansk region (27.01.); 3 died, 10 wounded in Donetsk and 3 died, 2 wounded in Debaltseve in Donetsk region (29.01.); Russian shell of people's queue to humanitarion aid in Donetsk - 7 dead persons, and 7 civilians died in Debaltseve (30.01.); 12 died again in Debaltseve (31.01.); 2 died and 9 wounded in Debaltseve, 2 died and 2 wounded in Krymske (Luhansk region), 3 wounded in Novotoshivka (Luhansk region) (01.02.); 3 died in Vuhlehirsk (Donetsk region), 2 died and 1 wounded in Stanytsya Luhanska (Luhansk region), 3 died in Debaltseve, 2 died in Myronivske (Donetsk region), 2 died and 1 wounded in Popasna, 2 died in Novotoshivka, 1 died in Avdiyivka (Donetsk region) (02.02.); 4 died and 7 wounded in ATO zone (03.02.); owing to Russian shell of Donetsk municipal hospital at least 5 dead and 4  wounded civilians (04.02.); 6 died and 3 wounded in ATO zone (05.02.); 3 died and 3 wounded in Donetsk region (07.02.); 5 died and 2 wounded in Debaltseve, 2 died and 8 wounded in Horlivka, 2 died and 1 wounded in Avdiyivka (08.02.); 3 died and 2 wounded employees of Donetsk railway on Skotovata station, 5 wounded civilians in Debaltseve (09.02.). And many civilian people are considered disappeared in Donbas, their relatives and/or friends search them mainly in social networks or giving announcement in Ukrainian media.    
Another big Ukraine's problem is demolition of Donbas settlements' infrastructure. Thus, on 26th January 2015 pro-Russian and Russian troops shelled Avdiyivka and the city left without heating and electricity; shelled Popasna and damaged multi-storey buildings, school, gas-pipe, lines of electrical transmission; shelled Donetsk and one shell hit in sub-station of Zasyadko coal-mine, where were blocked 496 miners during several hours. On 27th January Russian militaries and pro-Russian terrorists shelled municipal hospital in Svitlodarsk, populated districts in Dzerzhynsk, coke-chemical factory, tram depot, heating plant, piers of electrical transmission and populated districts in Avdiyivka, van-repair plant in Popasna and repair-exploitational enterprise in Luhansk. 28.01-01.02. they shelled Debaltseve with "Grad" - all city and especially railway station; 03.02. shelled Luhansk with cassette bombs.On 4th February the enemies again shelled coke-chemical factory in Avdiyivka, municipal hospital in Donetsk and railway station in Debaltseve. On 5th February Russian militaries shelled Shchastya and damaged main gas-pipe, leaving the city without gas; shelled Stanytsya Luhanska and also OSCE patrol there, and damaged gas-pipe and the building of local administration; shelled bakery integrated works in Dzerzhynsk. On 9th February Russians shelled Mariupol neighbourhoods with cassette bombs and "North" coal-mine in Dzerzhynsk, where were evacuated 63 miners.
In the end there is the next information to understand the essence of present Russian state regime - the news from Crimean peninsula, occupied by Russian Federation in spring, 2014. On 5th February Russian politicians opened monument near Livadia palace in Yalta, dedicated to three members of Yalta Conference-1945 - to J. Stalin, F. Roosevelt, W. Churchill. Here is also the main reason of all global problems after the end of the Second World War: since 1945 till nowadays whole world blames Hitler and doesn't blame Stalin in the same manner as Hitler.That's why it became possible to see Stalin's successor on the top of modern Russian state power.           

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