Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Does Yatsenyuk rule corruption schemes in Ukraine?

Great scandal in Ukrainian state! On 18th March 2015 the Head of the Financial Inspection of Ukraine Mykola Hordiyenko named the Cabinet of Ministers of Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk the main source of corruption in the country and asserted that Yatsenyuk ruled corruption schemes in Ukraine. Hordiyenko made such assertion and told about corruption facts in the parliamentary session's hall on 18th March and in "Shuster live show" on Ukrainian 112th TV-channel on 20th March 2015. And earlier on 4th March 2015 A. Yatsenyuk wanted to organize an internal investigation of the Financial Inspection of Ukraine (FIU) and its chief and suspended M. Hordiyenko from his state post for two weeks. As Yatsenyuk said then, the reasons for this suspension of Hordiyenko were the next: the non-objective audit of the FIU of state enterprise "Antonov", the absence of effective control of state money and property, misuses of the FIU's inspectors in their audit of big state enterprises. So two weeks passed after Hordiyenko's suspension and Mykola Hordiyenko decided to tell Ukrainian people all what he discovered about Yatsenyuk's government, holding the post of the Head of the FIU.
I would like to note Mykola Hordiyenko was appointed to the post of the Head of the Financial Inspection of Ukraine on 5th April 2014. So what did Hordiyenko assert about Yatsenyuk and his Cabinet of Ministers last week? M. Hordiyenko reported that the FIU made nearly 4 thousands control measures of Ukrainian state ministries, monopolies, organizations and enterprises during his management and accused Yatsenyuk's government, which damaged Ukrainian state using corruption schemes in the amount of 7 billion 600 million hryvnias! Thus, in 2014 the inspectors of the Financial Inspection of Ukraine checked financial-economic activity of state "Ukrzaliznytsya" ("Ukrainian Railway") and revealed the country damages of 258 million hryvnias in investigating period from 1st January 2014 till 30th September; they audited "Ukrzaliznychpostach" ("Ukrainian Railway Supply") and found out state damages in the amount of 300 million hrivnias in checked period from 1st January 2014 till 13th October 2014; the FIU's employees inspected "Ukrgazvydobuvannya" ("Ukrainian Gas Output") and revealed 358 million 500 thousands hryvnias of the losses to Ukraine in the period from 1st January 2012 till 31st August 2013; they audited "Ukrtransgas" and ostended 219 million 400 thousand hryvnias of the damages for Ukrainian budget in investigated period from 1st October 2012 till 31st May 2014; the FIU checked "Ukrposhta" ("Ukrainian Post-Office") and counted state damages in the sum of 61 million 700 thousand hryvnias in inspected period from 1st January 2013 till 30th September 2014. The FIU's audit is lasting in all Ukrainian nuclear power plants, "Energoatom" ("Energy Atom"), "Atomkomplekt" ("Atom Complement"), but has already revealed precedent damages in the sum of 100 million hryvnias. What about the FIU's investigation of "Antonov", which was called non-objective by Yatsenyuk, the FIU's employees had sent it to Kyiv Scientific-Researching Institute of Court Expretises of Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, who completely confirmed a truth of the Act of the FIU's audit of "Antonov" enterprise.
But what FIU's verification of financial-economic activity of state organization was the most scandalous, that was the Financial Inspection of Ukraine's unscheduled audit of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine in 2014 for the period from 1st January 2011 till 1st April 2014. Though mainly it was checkup of previous Azarov's government and the FIU's checked 1 billion 46 million financial infringements in the actions of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and found out this ministry damaged Ukrainian state in the amount of 552 million hryvnias during the inspection's time. But Oleksandr Shlapak, present Adviser of Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and former Minister of Finance of Ukraine from previous Yatsenyuk's government, sued on the Financial Inspection of Ukraine, being finance minister and demanding an abolition of the FIU's Act of the audit of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, which had been signed on 22nd September 2014. And present Ukrainian finance minister Nataliya Yaresko also doesn't recall her ministry's lawsuit against the Financial Inspection of Ukraine! Why? Why does present Ukraine's government block the investigation of corruption schemes, which had been ruled by Azarov's Cabinet of Ministers? Even more! The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine blocks staff appointments in regional subdivisions of the FIU after its inspection of ministry's actions in the past.
Managing by Mykola Hordiyenko, the Financial Inspection of Ukraine abolished electronic bills for supporting of Ukrainian coal mines in the amount of 1 billion 320 million hryvnias. Using own operational audit, the FIU didn't permit 5 billion 200 million financial breaches in state sector of economics, 4 billion 600 million of which weren't permitted in "Naftogaz Ukrayiny" ("Oil Gas of Ukraine").      
Accounting own activity on 112th TV-channel on 20th March, suspended Head of the Financial Inspection of Ukraine Hordiyenko told that he had reviewed the reports of his subordinate auditors about their inspection of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine in the day of his suspension from state post on 4th March 2015. It was the first time in Ukraine's history, when the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine (named Ministry of Transport and Communication of Ukraine until 9th December 2010) was inspected by the FIU! Checking 5 last years of the activity of this ministry, inspectors of the FIU found out the losses for Ukrainian state in the sum of 30 million hryvnias during 10 days of the FIU's audit.
And in M. Hordiyenko's opinion, the privatization of "Ukrtelecom" had been done, using corruption schemes in May of 2011. The FIU's auditors revealed the breach of the conditions of "Ukrtelecom" sale contract, according to which new "Ukrtelecom" proprietor had to make state special communication at his own expense in the amount of 220 million hryvnias. But this contract's condition was infringed and it was ostended by the FIU's financial auditors in their inspection of the Administration of State Service of Special Communication and Protection of Information of Ukraine (the FIU's inspected period was from 1st June 2010 till 9th May 2014). So why does Yatsenyuk's government not make any claim to "Ukrtelecom" purchaser, when conditions of that sale contract were breached? Why does present state power not return this strategic enterprise into state property, because the contract can be abolished providing of broken conditions of the contract?  
In general according to Ukrainian laws, the Financial Inspection of Ukraine can check scheduled and unscheduled audits of state enterprises, ministries, etc. only after getting court awards from the General Prosecutor of Ukraine to inspect this or that object of state sector of economics. But it looks like Prime Minister Yatsenyuk doesn't enjoy the FIU's investigations, that's why he created special resolution at the end of the second half-year of 2014, in which he permitted inspectors of the FIU to audit only after getting some errand of  the government or some appeal of this state object, which would like to be checked. Because of such Yatsenyuk's resolution, the Financial Inspection of Ukraine didn't inspect 353 court awards, which were sent by the Public Prosecutor's Office, didn't begin 634 revisions of state objects, didn't send own specialists to prosecutor's offices and police to check common control financial measures. So A. Yatsenyuk blocked the normal work of the FIU!
Reporting in the parliamentary tribune on 18th March 2015, M. Hordiyenko applied to Ukrainian people's deputies to control named facts of corruption schemes in the present Cabinet of Ministers and to initiate discharging of Yatsenyuk's government in the case of confirmation of such corruption facts by the General Prosecutor of Ukraine V. Shokin, to whom the Head of the Financial Inspections of Ukraine has already applied with known facts and accusations of today's government. Hordiyenko also pleased Ukrainian journalists, public organizations and society to support him in the fight against corruption and to protect him and his family from any pursue.
I hope soon it will be known who is right and who is wrong in that difficult situation. On 24th March 2015 the part of people's deputies from parliamentary fractions of "Petro Poroshenko's Block" and "Batkivshchyna", and several people's deputies out of all parliament's fractions appealed to the Speaker of the Parliament Volodymyr Hroysman to organize extraordinary parliamentary session on 27th March 2015 and to invite the General Prosecutor of Ukraine Viktor Shokin and the Head of the Financial Inspections of Ukraine Mykola Hordiyenko to investigate together the work of the Cabinet of Ministers of Arseniy Yatsenyuk.        

1 comment:

  1. On 27th March 2015 the General Prosecutor of Ukraine Viktor Shokin didn't come into parliamentary session's hall, but then several Ukrainian people's deputies, Ivan Krulko, Ihor Lutsenko and Olena Shkrum from "Batkivshchyna" parliamentary fraction, Dmytro Dobrodomov and Andriy Antonyshchak from "Petro Poroshenko Block" parliamentary fraction, Yuriy Levchenko from "Svoboda" political party, Viktoriya Voytsitska and Olena Sotnyk from "Samopomich" parliamentary fraction had registered the project of the resolution about creation of Temporary Investigating Commission of Ukrainian parliament to check the facts of corruption in the Cabinet of Ministers of Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, state enterprises and organizations, which had been reported by the Head of Financial Inspection of Ukraine Mykola Hordiyenko. So now the Head of Higher Council of Ukraine Volodymyr Hroysman must let Ukrainian people's deputies to vote for this project and to create such temporary investigating commission of people's deputies.
