Three Crimean separatists, Speaker of the Parliament of Autonomous Republic of Crimea Volodymyr Konstantynov, self-announced (on 27th February 2014) Prime Minister of Autonomous Republic of Crimea Serhiy Aksyonov and self-announced Vice-Prime Minister of Autonomous Republic of Crimea Rustam Temirhaliyev organized illegal referendum in Autonomous Republic of Crimea thanking to help of Russian state power and to presence of the soldiers of Russian army in Crimea, which had occupied the Crimean peninsula since the end of February - almost 21 thousands of Russian soldiers were present in Crimea in the day of so-called referendum on 16th March, 2014. In fact Russian Federation began military intervention into Ukraine and the occupation of Ukrainian sovereign and independent state, starting to occupate Crimea. Autonomous Republic of Crimea is administrative-territorial part of Ukraine, which is unitary republic. And according to Ukraine's Constitution, any administrative-territorial region of Ukrainian state haven't a right to organize local referendum about the entry from Ukrainian state. But on 16th March 2014 V. Konstantynov, S. Aksyonov and R. Temirhaliyev made such illegal referendum as reality in Autonomous Republic of Crimea - referendum about Crimea's going out of Ukraine and joining to Russia without Ukrainian state power's permission on such Crimean entry from Ukrainian state, but with presence of Russian army on the Crimean peninsula.Last week Central Electoral Commission of Ukraine closed the access to electoral base of Ukrainian citizens for statesmen of Autonomous Republic of Crimea, so it's a big question where Crimean so-called "state power" (self-proclaimed) got the list and dates of Crimean electors. Or were referendum's results just invented by V.Konstantynov and S.Aksyonov? The referendum's result of self-proclaimed Crimean power is almost 97% Crimean voters said "yes" for joing Russian state. And it's in the situation when Ukrainians (25% of Crimean population) and Crimean Tartars (12% of Crimean population), who are living on the Crimean peninsula, said before referendum many times about their own boycott of this illegal voting. I guess that not all Russians, living in Crimea, wanted to take part in such referendum, protected by Russian army. Anyway, on 17th March Konstantynov and Aksyonov named these voting's results and proclaimed Crimean state, independent from Ukraine. After that, on 18th March, Russian President Vladimir Putin recognized very quickly the results of Crimean referendum, named it free and fair voting, agreed to annex "Crimea state" to Russian Federation and signed Treaty about Crimea's annexion to Russian state with V.Konstantynov and S.Aksyonov in Moscow.
And now a few of Ukrainian history. Ukraine signed Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances with the Russian Federation, the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland and also acceded to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons on 5th December 1994. Then Ukraine refused from own nuclear weapons and the USA, Russia and the UK guaranteed security assurances for Ukrainian state. According Budapest Memorandum, the first and main duty of Ukrainian guarantors of state security, was to respect Ukrainian independence and sovereignty within its existing borders. As whole world might to see in March of 2014, one of Ukrainian security's guarantee, Russian Federation turned out the aggressor and the occupant of Ukrainian land. Now Ukraine's citizens very hope on American and British assurances, given almost 20 years ago for young Ukrainian state. Ukrainians have already seen that it was mistake to refuse from own nuclear weapons, having such neighbour as Russia. And it will be very honest step towards state security and useful decision for Ukraine to produce new nuclear weapons in the future to protect own country against foreign occupants.
Nowadays when Russian soldiers killed first Ukrainian officer and injured several Ukrainian soldiers in Simferopol, when Russian army began to evict the families of Ukrainian frontier guards from their own homes! in Crimea, when Ukrainian military bases of Crimea are blocked more than two weeks by Russian soldiers and citizens, when so-called Crimean self-defence, controled by S.Aksyonov, has stolen three pro-Ukrainian activists and several Ukrainian military men on the Crimean peninsula, and many others sad events happen since military intervention of Russian army into Crimea. In that case Ukraine needs world's protection and help against present Russian military intervention. Russian aggression is also spreading in Luhansk, Donetsk and Kharkiv regions by Russian citizens, who visit Luhansk, Donetsk and Kharkiv cities and storm Ukrainian state buildings, break them and catch on Russian state flags, exclaim that these Ukrainian cities are Russian territory and demand to organize there the same "referendum" as Crimean was. Horrible things are happening in Ukraine. And till December, 2014 Ukraine was the third largest country in the world with nuclear weapons, but Ukraine trusted the world and especially its three state-guarantors of Ukrainian security, refusing from this weapon. World must stop Russian aggression over Ukraine, if world doesn't want to have maybe new global war. High-developed countries must stop Russian occupation of Ukrainian territory, if they want to have a trust from the rest of the world. Probably, the most effective actions of high-developed states towards Russian state power would be sanctions against Russian companies, blocking of the foreign bank accounts of Russian oligarchs and statesmen from Putin's encirclement and of their relatives, at least 6-months-ban of entry to that countries for Russian statesmen and oligarchs, their wives and children. Because if the world wants to have peace, must stop modern activity of Putin's regime over Ukraine.
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