Everyone has a right to choose religion by himself or to be atheist in this world. But everyone has also a right to protect his religion from different sects, which pull in many people by force. Sects use hypnosises or/and another aggressive psychologistic methods to influence men. One of the new sects created in 2004 year in the village Pidhirtsi, Lviv region. Antonin Illya Dohnal (Antonin Eliáš Dohnal) , a sect's founder, captured by force the ancient Cathedral of the XVIII-th century in Pidhirtsi, which is situated opposite Pidhirtsi castle and is considered Ukrainian architectural monument. Then A. Dohnal also turned out Greek Catholic priests from this Church, but official Ukrainian state power didn't say nothing! That sect began from criticizm of the official Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), but nowadays this sect criticizes Pope and Catholic Church too! Four main sectarians proclaimed themselves the Greek Catholic bishops and said that they wouldn't be subordinated to the Pope and to the Head of UGCC - only their Church is true. And it could't be a problem when they would wish to be registered as Dohnal's sect. But no, these false bishops want to be registered like Ukrainian Rightfaithful Greek Catholic Church in Ukraine. Amazing thing, but three from these four "bishops" are foreigners, Czech citizens Antonin Illya Dohnal (Antonìn Eliáš Dohnal, sect's founder), Metodej Richard Shpirzhik (Metoděj Špiřík), Samuel Robert Oberhauser, and they live illegally in Ukraine because their vise were finished a few years ago!!! And official Ukrainian state power doesn't say nothing again...
These false priests use screams instead of prayers, they just scream the words Jesus and God in the Church and they also use a type of fighting prayer, which hypnotizes people. Sectarians throw up a coin and tell fortunes using prayer rope to know what will be in the future. Is it Christianity? No way.
That all about Dohnal's sect is known thanks to the information which UGCC writes on its official sites and which Greek Catholic priests say in the Churches. Many thanks are also going to the official Czech state power which last year told and then confirmed the next information. That Antonin Dohnal is a former agent of communistic secret service StB in Czechoslovakia and his nickname was "Tonek" (how it's good that Czech republic had held communistic agents' lustration and the truth is known even in Internet, on the special Czech sites) and he is also a specialist in Neuro Linguistic programming.
It's dangerous situation not only for Greek Catholic believers, but for Ukraine generally, because during last monts these sectarians have already begun to pull in their sect Orthodox believers from nearby villages in Lviv region. Their biggest wish is to pull in the sect more and more youth. They opened so-called convent for women in Bryukhovychi, Lviv region too, where Dohnal's fellows, Slovak citizens!, pull young girls in that sect.
And since last year villages became too small places for sect's activity, that's why last autumn sectarians impudently wanted to get former Jesuit Cathedral in Lviv as their Church and on October they organized the meeting near the Jesuit Cathedral. Fortunately Lviv authority didn't permit them to get Jesuit Cathedral. But nowadays the rumours are afloat that these sectarians decided to reconstruct some old Lviv Church, so religious situation is still very difficult in Lviv and in its region.
Nowadays it is known that Lviv state power gave Dognal's sect the ancient Greek Catholic chapel, founded by metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyy in the XX-th century on Pluhova street in Lviv.