Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Luckiest oligarch after "euromaydan" is...

Except oligarch Petro Poroshenko who became newly-elected President of Ukraine in 2014, in Ukraine luckiest oligarch who has already got and continues to get the biggest business conveniences from "after-euromaydan" state power is Ihor Kolomoyskyy, present Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration since 2nd March 2014 and one of co-owners of business empire - "Private", who has at least three citizenships - Ukrainian, Israeli and Cypriote and likes to live in his house in Switzerland, as he has told Ukrainian journalists earlier. 
For example, in June of 2014 transnational financial-industrial petroleum company "UkrTatPetroleum" (one of Private's company) sold its fuel to Ministry of Defence of Ukraine at overcharge 17280 hryvnya per 1 ton and the amount of purchase of the fuel made almost 358 millions hryvnya. Then, 42% shares of mined company "UkrPetroleum" (mining of petroleum and gas) belongs to shareholders of group "Private", who also rule the management of "UkrPetroleum". And 50%+1 shares of "UkrPetroleum", the largest petroleum mined company of Ukraine, which mines nearly 90% of all Ukraine's petroleum, belongs to Ukrainian state. So because "UkrPetroleum" is semi-state company, it must return mined gas to Ukrainian state for everyday requirements of Ukraine's population, but instead of it this company realizes own mined gas to industrial enterprises of Ukraine. "UkrPetroleum" also must pay dividends in Ukrainian state treasury, but company doesn't pay any dividends into Ukrainian budget since 2011 year because of such desire of its "Private" shareholders..."UkrPetroleum" didn't pay the debt of petroleum rent in the dimension of 2.1 billions hryvnya for the period of August-October of 2014, though must pay it too. And it's very strange situation - so profitable petroleum-gas company and doesn't make compulsory payments into Ukrainian budget. Besides it business group "Private" again owns 90% shares of one of the biggest Ukraine's petroleum-gas mined company "UkrPetroleumDrilling". But why again? On 22nd October 2014 Kyiv Appeal Economic Court abolished the sale agreement of 45% shares of "UkrPetroleumDrilling", which were sold through "Private" offshore company "Deripon Commercial Ltd." to offshore companies "Ariana Business Ltd" and "Ares Systems Ltd." (ultimate owners of which were people of President Yanukovych's encirclement - Eduard Stavytskyy, Mykola Zlochevskyy, Andriy Klyuyev) in December of 2012. So oligarchs of group "Private" are real kings in petroleum market of Ukraine. And here is economic nonsense: in the last weeks petroleum prices are still reducing in the world, but petrol prices are still increasing in Ukraine. How do you think for whom it's very profitably among Ukraine's oligarchs?
Further. Man of Kolomoyskyy's team Ruslan Zhurylo, former Deputy Director of state Eastern Mined-Concentrated Plant and former Head of Apparatus Plant "Electron" (both enterprises are situated in Zhovti Vody, Dnipropetrovsk region) was appointed on the post of  director of newly-created state enterprise "United Mined-Chemical Company" by Ukraine's Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk on 12th August 2014. Before it Irshansk Mined-Concentrated Plant (Zhytomyr region) and Vilnohirsk Mined-Metallurgical Plant (Dnipropetrovsk region), very important plants for titanium industry of Ukraine, were rented by Ukrainian oligarch Dmytro Firtash's companies since 2004 and in August of 2014 Cabinet of Ministers of PM A. Yatsenyuk decided to hand these two plants in the rent to "United Mined-Chemical Company", which nowadays is ruled by group "Private". And in October of 2014 business group "Private" very activated to buy strategic Odesa Port Factory and tried to control Odesa Petroleum Remaking Factory, using methods of unfair seizure.
Oligarch I. Kolomoyskyy rules market of airline flights in Ukraine and co-owns such airlines as "International Airlines of Ukraine", "Wind Rose", "Dniproair", though earlier he co-owned also airlines "Airworld" and "Donbasair", which became bankrupts in 2013. But many experts guess that "Airworld" was artificially and specially bankrupted and former employees of airlines "Airworld" are still judging with company's management, because "Airlworld" didn't pay them a salary of last two months of their work. And on 12th September 2014 the largest Ukraine's airlines and monopolist "International Airlines of Ukraine" requested Prime Minister Yatsenyuk to get state stabilizing credit in the dimension of 100 millions U.S. dollars for 10 years. Does it mean that this aircompany is close to bankruptcy or what?
Further. Kolomoyskyy possesses media business "Group 1+1 Media", which consists of 8 TV-channels: 1+1, 2+2, TET, PlusPlus, UNIAN TV, Ukraine Today, 1+1 Inrenational, Bigudi (means "curlers"), and of 4 news-information sites: UNIAN, Telekrytyka ("telecriticism"), GlavredInfo ("editor-in-chief"), Dusya. And this oligarch possesses also ski and spa health resort "Bukovel" in Ukrainian Carpathians, which is too costly health resort for the majority of Ukrainians, who often choose to go to ski in Slovakia or Poland, where the prices are cheaper.
Main co-owners of business group "Private" Ihor Kolomoyskyy and Hennadiy Boholyubov were main investors of the construction of "Menorah" in Dnipropetrovsk - the largest Jewish cultural-business centre in the world. "Menorah" was officialy opened in October of 2012 and special memorable table in honour of these investors was placed nearby building's entry. Besides it Oleksandr Vilkul, Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration and the member of the Party of the Regions at that time, partook in "Menorah" opening ceremony. But Vilkul's participation wasn't just a component of official protocols of stateman's behaviour, but it was another proof of kind relationship between Yanukovych's team and Kolomoyskyy's team. By the way, present Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration I. Kolomoyskyy was absent at official celebrations, organized and dedicated to 23rd Ukraine's Independence Day on 24th August 2014...
But returning to "Menorah", it must be written that only Russian and English languages are present on "Menorah" site and in the very building, though Ukraine has one official state language - Ukrainian. Moreover founders of this huge Jewish centre Boholyubov and Kolomoyskyy refused to tell journalists about the amount of money, which was spent on the construction of "Menorah". That's very interesting situation! The biggest Jewish global centre consists of seven towers, which all together symbolize Jewish seven-branched candlestick, and the erection's investors don't want to name the cost of "Menorah". So the next questions arise. How did these main investors earn money, which they had spent on "Menorah" construction?Where did they get needful sum to build such great erection in Ukraine?
In Ukraine, where the majority of Ukrainians have no possibility to buy own flat, where citizens can't get qualitative state medical aid and high education without payments, where many people can't allow themselves to have good nutrition, because they haven't money for such things. And frequently seeking a job in vain in Ukraine, many Ukrainian citizens try to find a job abroad.
But as You, dear reader, could read here on this blog, some people, called oligarchs, can live in Ukraine like "in chocolate." What an injustice!     

1 comment:

  1. Besides it. On 22nd November 2014 unknown armed men seized Odesa Petroleum Remaking Factory. Firstly, some persons who were worn in sporting clothes, broke a window in passage part of the factory's entry and then some persons, worn in camouflages with tommy-guns in the hands and with masks on their faces, took factory's security out, laied them on the asphalt and captured territory of that industrial enterprise "to protect" its petroleum. And on the next day after this factory's seizure Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration I. Kolomoyskyy appealed to Ukrainian state power in Ukraine's mass media to close Odesa Petroleum Remaking Factory to avoid spoled ecology in Odesa. What a "careful" oligarch.
