Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Luckiest oligarch after "euromaydan" is...

Except oligarch Petro Poroshenko who became newly-elected President of Ukraine in 2014, in Ukraine luckiest oligarch who has already got and continues to get the biggest business conveniences from "after-euromaydan" state power is Ihor Kolomoyskyy, present Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration since 2nd March 2014 and one of co-owners of business empire - "Private", who has at least three citizenships - Ukrainian, Israeli and Cypriote and likes to live in his house in Switzerland, as he has told Ukrainian journalists earlier. 
For example, in June of 2014 transnational financial-industrial petroleum company "UkrTatPetroleum" (one of Private's company) sold its fuel to Ministry of Defence of Ukraine at overcharge 17280 hryvnya per 1 ton and the amount of purchase of the fuel made almost 358 millions hryvnya. Then, 42% shares of mined company "UkrPetroleum" (mining of petroleum and gas) belongs to shareholders of group "Private", who also rule the management of "UkrPetroleum". And 50%+1 shares of "UkrPetroleum", the largest petroleum mined company of Ukraine, which mines nearly 90% of all Ukraine's petroleum, belongs to Ukrainian state. So because "UkrPetroleum" is semi-state company, it must return mined gas to Ukrainian state for everyday requirements of Ukraine's population, but instead of it this company realizes own mined gas to industrial enterprises of Ukraine. "UkrPetroleum" also must pay dividends in Ukrainian state treasury, but company doesn't pay any dividends into Ukrainian budget since 2011 year because of such desire of its "Private" shareholders..."UkrPetroleum" didn't pay the debt of petroleum rent in the dimension of 2.1 billions hryvnya for the period of August-October of 2014, though must pay it too. And it's very strange situation - so profitable petroleum-gas company and doesn't make compulsory payments into Ukrainian budget. Besides it business group "Private" again owns 90% shares of one of the biggest Ukraine's petroleum-gas mined company "UkrPetroleumDrilling". But why again? On 22nd October 2014 Kyiv Appeal Economic Court abolished the sale agreement of 45% shares of "UkrPetroleumDrilling", which were sold through "Private" offshore company "Deripon Commercial Ltd." to offshore companies "Ariana Business Ltd" and "Ares Systems Ltd." (ultimate owners of which were people of President Yanukovych's encirclement - Eduard Stavytskyy, Mykola Zlochevskyy, Andriy Klyuyev) in December of 2012. So oligarchs of group "Private" are real kings in petroleum market of Ukraine. And here is economic nonsense: in the last weeks petroleum prices are still reducing in the world, but petrol prices are still increasing in Ukraine. How do you think for whom it's very profitably among Ukraine's oligarchs?
Further. Man of Kolomoyskyy's team Ruslan Zhurylo, former Deputy Director of state Eastern Mined-Concentrated Plant and former Head of Apparatus Plant "Electron" (both enterprises are situated in Zhovti Vody, Dnipropetrovsk region) was appointed on the post of  director of newly-created state enterprise "United Mined-Chemical Company" by Ukraine's Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk on 12th August 2014. Before it Irshansk Mined-Concentrated Plant (Zhytomyr region) and Vilnohirsk Mined-Metallurgical Plant (Dnipropetrovsk region), very important plants for titanium industry of Ukraine, were rented by Ukrainian oligarch Dmytro Firtash's companies since 2004 and in August of 2014 Cabinet of Ministers of PM A. Yatsenyuk decided to hand these two plants in the rent to "United Mined-Chemical Company", which nowadays is ruled by group "Private". And in October of 2014 business group "Private" very activated to buy strategic Odesa Port Factory and tried to control Odesa Petroleum Remaking Factory, using methods of unfair seizure.
Oligarch I. Kolomoyskyy rules market of airline flights in Ukraine and co-owns such airlines as "International Airlines of Ukraine", "Wind Rose", "Dniproair", though earlier he co-owned also airlines "Airworld" and "Donbasair", which became bankrupts in 2013. But many experts guess that "Airworld" was artificially and specially bankrupted and former employees of airlines "Airworld" are still judging with company's management, because "Airlworld" didn't pay them a salary of last two months of their work. And on 12th September 2014 the largest Ukraine's airlines and monopolist "International Airlines of Ukraine" requested Prime Minister Yatsenyuk to get state stabilizing credit in the dimension of 100 millions U.S. dollars for 10 years. Does it mean that this aircompany is close to bankruptcy or what?
Further. Kolomoyskyy possesses media business "Group 1+1 Media", which consists of 8 TV-channels: 1+1, 2+2, TET, PlusPlus, UNIAN TV, Ukraine Today, 1+1 Inrenational, Bigudi (means "curlers"), and of 4 news-information sites: UNIAN, Telekrytyka ("telecriticism"), GlavredInfo ("editor-in-chief"), Dusya. And this oligarch possesses also ski and spa health resort "Bukovel" in Ukrainian Carpathians, which is too costly health resort for the majority of Ukrainians, who often choose to go to ski in Slovakia or Poland, where the prices are cheaper.
Main co-owners of business group "Private" Ihor Kolomoyskyy and Hennadiy Boholyubov were main investors of the construction of "Menorah" in Dnipropetrovsk - the largest Jewish cultural-business centre in the world. "Menorah" was officialy opened in October of 2012 and special memorable table in honour of these investors was placed nearby building's entry. Besides it Oleksandr Vilkul, Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration and the member of the Party of the Regions at that time, partook in "Menorah" opening ceremony. But Vilkul's participation wasn't just a component of official protocols of stateman's behaviour, but it was another proof of kind relationship between Yanukovych's team and Kolomoyskyy's team. By the way, present Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration I. Kolomoyskyy was absent at official celebrations, organized and dedicated to 23rd Ukraine's Independence Day on 24th August 2014...
But returning to "Menorah", it must be written that only Russian and English languages are present on "Menorah" site and in the very building, though Ukraine has one official state language - Ukrainian. Moreover founders of this huge Jewish centre Boholyubov and Kolomoyskyy refused to tell journalists about the amount of money, which was spent on the construction of "Menorah". That's very interesting situation! The biggest Jewish global centre consists of seven towers, which all together symbolize Jewish seven-branched candlestick, and the erection's investors don't want to name the cost of "Menorah". So the next questions arise. How did these main investors earn money, which they had spent on "Menorah" construction?Where did they get needful sum to build such great erection in Ukraine?
In Ukraine, where the majority of Ukrainians have no possibility to buy own flat, where citizens can't get qualitative state medical aid and high education without payments, where many people can't allow themselves to have good nutrition, because they haven't money for such things. And frequently seeking a job in vain in Ukraine, many Ukrainian citizens try to find a job abroad.
But as You, dear reader, could read here on this blog, some people, called oligarchs, can live in Ukraine like "in chocolate." What an injustice!     

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Lawlessness of regional state power in Dnipropetrovsk region

Lawlessness of regional state power dominates in Dnipropetrovsk region and the next incidents are the evidences of it.
On 14th August 2014 Head of State Agency of Land Resources of Ukraine Serhiy Rudyk arrived in Dnipropetrovsk, where he met the local ecclesiastics of Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyiv Patriarchate and gave them land documents to build their new temple in the city. Then Rudyk met wounded militaries in Dnipropetrovsk military hospital and talked about selecting of land areas for them in the region. After these meetings S. Rudyk was abducted by several stocky men and was brought in Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration, where armed men demanded him to dismiss Vadym Chuvpylo from the post of the First Deputy Head of State Agency of Land Resources of Dnipropetrovsk region and to appoint on this post Olha Huhnina, one of the lawyers of the group "Private", co-owner and co-founder of which is oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyy, Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration. Rudyk refused to do their demands, so armed strangers put handcuffs on Rudyk's hands and sack on his head and drove with him in the minibus around the city some time, and then brought him in some basement, after what - again in Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration, where they pledged him to write an assertion about the entry in one of volunteer battalions, formed in Dnipropetrovsk region. During all that time of Rudyk's specific captivity Deputies Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration Borys Filatov and Hennadiy Korban said mainly in Ukrainian mass media, controled by Kolomoyskyy, or that Serhiy Rudyk had willingly gone in Donbas to fight terrorists, or that he trained in some volunteer battalion and prepared to go in Donbas. And only because that abduction caused big resonance in Ukrainian society and Ukrainian TV-channels showed the reports about this incident, Rudyk was released from such captivity.
Another incident of lawlessness of Dnipropetrovsk regional state power. Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration Ihor Kolomoyskyy dislikes Public Prosecutor of Dnipropetrovsk region Roman Fedyk, about what he said in special press conference, giving the interview in September 2014. Though R. Fedyk dismissed from the public prosecutor's office after the victory of V. Yanukovych at Ukrainian presidential elections-2010 and worked lawyer during Yanukovych's presidency, and was appointed on the post of Dnipropetrovsk region's public prosecutor only on 6th March 2014, while oligarch I. Kolomoyskyy had kind and warm relations with President Yanukovych, and the video with Kolomoyskyy's personal congratulations on Yanukovych's 61st and 63rd birthdays are wonderful prooves of such fine relations between them. That video was published by Ukrainian newspaper "Vesti" ("News") and I. Kolomoyskyy is the first who congratulates V.Yanukovych in 2011 year. 

And on the next video I. Kolomoyskyy is the last who congratulates V. Yanukovych in 2013. Besides it, You can watch so-called "European" mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovyy between Yanukovych's congratulators in 2011 and 2013.

And in 2014 Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration Kolomoyskyy and his team of the officials decided that they had some right to be judges in Dnipropetrovsk region and to make so-called lustration of that people whom they disliked. But what brutal methods of "lustration" they use! For example, on 30th September 2014 so-called "public activists" held a meeting in front of the building of Public Prosecutor's Office in Dnipropetrovsk region and demanded a resignation of regional public prosecutor R. Fedyk. Then they broke the main door of the building and after that - the door of public prosecutor's cabinet. Self-named "popular lustrators" pledged Roman Fedyk to write the assertion to leave his public prosecutor's post, and when he refused, some persons hit him in his face several times, tore public prosecutor's sign off his jacket and strewed the dust on his head from the cabinet's dust-bin. And again Deputies Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration B.Filatov and H.Korban brutal call names and very actively criticize R. Fedyk like S. Rudyk in social networks, and even name ultimatums to Ukraine's President Poroshenko witn a demand to dismiss Fedyk from his present state post. Because Kolomoyskyy's team says that candidature of Public Prosecutor of Dnipropetrovsk region Roman Fedyk wasn't co-ordinated with Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration Ihor Kolomoyskyy, though there wasn't a necessity in such co-ordination according to Ukrainian legislation. There is only huge desire of oligarch Kolomoyskyy to rule everything in Dnipropetrovsk region. You know, it's the example of some feudalism in the XXI century!  
On 9th November 2014 Head of Central Electoral Commission of Ukraine Mykhaylo Okhendovskyy asserted that district electoral commissions of electoral districts no.30 (Dniprodzerzhynsk, Dnipropetrovsk region) and no. 50 (Krasnoarmiysk, Donetsk region) established the results, which were based on falsified protocols of these electoral commissions and weren't coincided with the voting of ballot papers of electoral districts no.30 and no.50. And, as Okhendovskyy asserted, falsifiers also forced district electoral commissions of electoral district no.38 (Novomoskovsk, Dnipropetrovsk region) to change the results of the voting of that electoral district. That's why Central Electoral Commission of Ukraine (CECU) decided to count votes of the electoral districts no.30 and no.50 at the second time and simultaneously appealed to police and public prosecutor's office. Such decisions of Central Electoral Commission of Ukraine caused negative reaction of the influential falsifiers and M. Okhendovskyy began to get "requests to stop", direct threats and also hints from some people about serious complaints of I. Kolomoyskyy because of the activity of CECU. As Okhendovskyy declared this day, stopping of the pressure on CECU with the purpose to get false electoral results and continueing of legal electoral process on the electoral districts no.30, no. 38 and no. 50 will be the best prooves of Kolomoyskyy's innocence of the falsifiction on three above-mentioned electoral electoral districts. Though I must also to write here that there are many questions about present Head of CECU M. Okhendovskyy, who was elected on this post in July of 2013 and before it in June of 2007 he was re-elected the member of CECU by the quota of the Party of the Regions. 
Anyway, all that Dnipropetrovsk region's incidents are very remote to democracy and lawfulness. Besides it, Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration Ihor Kolomoyskyy has not only Ukraine's citizenship, but also Israel's and Cyprus' citizenships, as he admitted in Ukrainian mass media in October of 2014, and he was appointed on his present state post in Ukraine on 2nd March 2014, earlier living mainly in Switzerland since the beginning of the 2000's.
Adding to all, the most of new volunteer battalions and special subunits are forming exactly in Dnipropetrovsk region and the most frequent cases of burials of unidentified ATO's participants are happening in Dnipropetrovsk region too. So there is a few strange, difficult and scareful situation in this Ukraine's region.             

Friday, 10 October 2014

Mythical Minsk "peace plan" doesn't work!

Though Ukraine, Russia, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the representatives of non-existing so-called Donetsk and Luhansk people's republics agreed peace plan yet on 5th September 2014 in Minsk, where memorandum about needful steps towards the implementation of this peaceful agreement was also signed by the second Ukraine's President Leonid Kuchma, the Ambassador of Russian Federation in Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov, OSCE Ambassador Heidi Tagliavini, and leaders of non-existing Donetsk and Luhansk people's republics Oleksandr Zakharchenko and Ihor Plotnitsky on 19th September 2014, but! That Minsk "peace plan" has left on the paper, there is no any truce and any cease-fire from the side of pro-Russian terrorists and Russian soldiers who are continueing to attack military positions of the members of Ukrainian antiterrorist operation, while Ukrainian soldiers have a forbiddance to attack the enemies' positions because of above-mentioned signed memorandum. Nonsense! Ukrainian fighters were shelled by pro-Russian terrorists and Russian soldiers more than 1000 times since mythical cease-fire, declared on 19th September. Every day Russian and pro-Russian fighters continue to shell Donbas cities and localities, they continue to kill, to wound or to steal Ukrainian civilians and militaries. And Ukrainian state power can't identify in time all dead Ukraine's defenders, so cases of the interments of unidentified ATO members frequented and it became real sad problem for their relatives. Pro-Russian terrorists and Russian soldiers still gun hospitals, schools, airports, factories, thermal power plants, coal mines, residential areas in Donbas and Donbas population must hide in bomb shelters. For example, Russian terrorists have already gun thermal power plant in Shchastya (Luhansk region) two times since announced Minsk peace plan and all Luhansk region abandoned twice without electiricty - on 17th September and 9th October 2014. At that time on 4th October 2014 representatives of Ukraine, Russia and OSCE began so-called delimitation of weapons-free zone of 30 km width which had to be created according to 19th September's memorandum, which doesn't work! What can Donbas safety zone be created and delimited, when the number of killed, injured, captive and disappeared Ukrainian defenders of homeland is still growing? When so-called government of non-existing DNR (Donetsk people's republic) organized the celebration of six-months-existence of their mythical DNR on 5th October 2014 in Donetsk and posted up on the special city's scene placard with the inscription "Novorossiya" (New Russia)!
But it seems that present Ukraine's President doesn't worry about it, because Petro Poroshenko is busy to prepare political block named after his name to extraordinary parliamentary elections, which will be hold on 26th October 2014. That's why nowadays Poroshenko actively visits different Ukrainian regions with political agitation, while ATO members maybe will not have a possibility to vote at these future parliamentary elections, while only less than a half of Donbas population can vote, as Head of Ukraine's Central Elective Commission Mykhaylo Okhendovskyy said yesterday! So does present Ukrainian state power take care for Ukraine and its citizens? I have the doubts, especially after seeing media reports about terrible conditions of ATO members' staying in the fields, civilians' being in the bomb shelters and destroying of Donbas settlements during this false "truce" and false-declared cease-fire.                   

Sunday, 5 October 2014

President-oligarch with pro-Russian shade

At first in Ukrainian history official billionaire was elected President of Ukraine in 2014 and it was Petro Poroshenko, oligarch who has business in different countries, including Russia, where Poroshenko’s corporation “Roshen” owns factory in Lipetsk. P. Poroshenko had bought Lipetsk chocolate factory in 2001, but considering present difficult situation in Donbas, he would sell his business in Russian Federation to avoid Russian state power’s pressure on him. In general president Poroshenko likes to surround himself with billionaires and millionaires, for example, he doesn’t want to release from the posts Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration oligarch-billionaire Ihor Kolomoyskyy, Head of Donetsk Regional State Administration  oligarch-billionaire Serhiy Taruta, Head of Odesa Regional State Administration millionaire Ihor Palytsya and Minister of Interior Affairs billionaire Arsen Avakov. Besides it president-businessman Poroshenko appointed banker-millionaire Valeriya Hontaryeva on the post of Head of National Bank of Ukraine, media magnate-billionaire Borys Lozhkin on the post of Head of Administration of the President and agrarian magnate-billionaire Yuriy Kosyuk on the post of the First Deputy of Head of Administration of the President. And Russian language is that thing which unites all these persons, including present President of Ukraine, because all of them are Russian-speaking people and Russian is their mother tongue. Even more, Head of Administration of the President Borys Lozhkin, Russian philologist by education, he received the award “Best media-manager of Russia” in 2008, and in July of 2013 Speaker of Council of Russian Federation Valentina Matviyenko rewarded him with honorary diploma of Council of Russian Federation for the development of Russian media in Ukraine and Russia and for the strengthening of the friendship between Russia and Ukraine. Then Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavlo Klimkin, appointed on that post by President Petro Poroshenko, agrees with the idea of declaration of Russian language as the second official language in Ukraine. And indeed it’s a very strange how P. Klimkim, who was born in Moscow and graduated from Moscow Physical-Polytechnical Institute, could get a job in Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1993. Moreover Klimkin held a post of the First Deputy of Minister of Foreign Affairs since April of 2010 till June of 2012, that is a time of presidency of Viktor Yanukovych. Though both Ukraine’s presidents, former Yanukovych and present Poroshenko, were members of the Party of the Regions, and the more so that Poroshenko was one of co-founders of this political party. Maybe that’s why Petro Poroshenko appointed Serhiy Kuzmenko, people’s deputy and ex-member of the Party of the Regions (was its member until February 22nd, 2014) on the post of Head of Kirovohrad Regional State Administration on September 16th, 2014?

Another thing which connects V. Yanukovych and P. Poroshenko is their support of Russian Orthodox Church and Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchate. Maybe that’s why Head of Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kiril was one of the first who publicly congratulated Poroshenko with a victory on the presidential elections-2014 yet before the announcement of the official results of these elections of Ukrainian president? And, of course, it wasn’t some casual meeting that Petro Poroshenko was one of the invited guests on the solemn litany from the occasion of 1025th anniversary of baptism of Kyiv Rus by the prince Volodymyr Velykyy, which was celebrated on July 27th, 2013 in Kyiv and where were invited and attend Ukraine’s state power of that time with president Viktor Yanukovych, many politicians from the Party of the Regions, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Head of Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kiril and other world’s Russian-oriented ecclesiastics and politicians.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Donbas needs martial law

It looks like war or military conflict, but it’s officially called the ATO - the anti-terrorist operation in Donbas. That ATO continues since March, 2014 and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko can’t say when ATO will be finished, though earlier he said about necessity of short duration of the ATO. “ATO must last days, not months”, - the presidential candidate Poroshenko said before presidential election-2014 on the TV. But the ATO is still lasting…And martial law can give real possibility to Ukrainian army, police and security service to finish effectively and quickly this ATO. Martial law may be short-term and put into place in Donbas by Ukrainian President and voted by Ukrainian Parliament. But P. Poroshenko is against announcing of the martial law in Donbas, and, as he explained in public nearly two weeks ago, he fears not to get credit from International Monetary Fund for Ukraine in the case of decraled martial law in Donetsk and Luhansk regions. And maybe, here are other reasons of Poroshenko’s refusal to announce martial law in Donbas. According to Ukrainian Constitution, when martial law is declared in the country or in some its territory, Ukrainian state power can’t change Ukraine’s Constitution and can’t hold any election. And President Poroshenko wants to change Ukrainian Constitution very much, that’s why he had given his project of changes of Ukrainian Constitution to the deputies of Ukraine’s Parliament on 26th June 2014. Poroshenko and the majority of national deputies also desire to hold extraordinary parliamentary election in autumn this year. Of course, Ukraine needs a new complement of the deputies in Ukrainian Parliament, because present national deputies discredited themselves too much. Besides it, Ukrainian state power can define a term of the martial law and can hold new parliamentary election, for example, in November or in December.
Because it’s some paradoxical situation in Ukraine. Ukrainian politicians, including President Poroshenko, name “war” all what is happening in Donbas, but officially declare that it’s only some ATO. There aren’t some unknown terrorists, but persons who are armed, financed and supported by Russian state power and those, who came from Russian Federation in Donbas, and Ukrainian state power has many evidences of it. First of all, when it’s called ATO, so then professionals (such as security service, military men, policemen) must take part in the ATO and other citizens of Ukraine can be volunteers in the special army or police battalions, if they voluntarily wish to take part in the ATO. But indeed military commissariats recruit Ukrainian men across the country into soldier battalions without asking their wishes. It’s huge paradox: three decrees about partial mobilization were signed by interim President Oleksandr Turchynov on 17th March and 6th May and by President Petro Poroshenko on 21st  July 2014, though martial law wasn’t put into place in Donbas. And in fact all three times it was only military mobilization of Ukrainians, it wasn’t mobilization of Ukrainian economy and of all branches of state life, as it had to be according to Ukrainian law about mobilization. But from the ATO beginning present Ukrainian state power’s real crimes and mistakes are many occurrences of the ATO organization, when ATO participants were departed in the ATO zone without necessary weapons, body armors, another arming, military technics and often without any experience of the service in the army and/or without long-term military training before the departure there. It’s also shameful tendency during the whole ATO that the same brigades and battalions of Ukrainian army stay in the dangerous locations in the ATO zone over 45 days without any rotation, and often without reinforcement in very needful moments of the battles against pro-Russian terrorists. And if Ukraine’s state power wants to win all that pro-Russian terrorists, so must to care about Ukrainian citizens who fight for Ukraine.
In the end. On 8th August 2014 the United Nations named total quantity of the victims in Donbas, including civil population and both war sides – 1543 dead and 4396 injured since the starting of that military conflict in Donbas. Very large numbers. I wish peace in Ukraine…

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Ukraine on step away from war

Three Crimean separatists, Speaker of the Parliament of Autonomous Republic of Crimea Volodymyr Konstantynov, self-announced (on 27th February 2014) Prime Minister of Autonomous Republic of Crimea Serhiy Aksyonov and self-announced Vice-Prime Minister of Autonomous Republic of Crimea Rustam Temirhaliyev organized illegal referendum in Autonomous Republic of Crimea thanking to help of Russian state power and to presence of the soldiers of Russian army in Crimea, which had occupied the Crimean peninsula since the end of February - almost 21 thousands of Russian soldiers were present in Crimea in the day of so-called referendum on 16th March, 2014. In fact Russian Federation began military intervention into Ukraine and the occupation of Ukrainian sovereign and independent state, starting to occupate Crimea. Autonomous Republic of Crimea is administrative-territorial part of Ukraine, which is unitary republic. And according to Ukraine's Constitution, any administrative-territorial region of Ukrainian state haven't a right to organize local referendum about the entry from Ukrainian state. But on 16th March 2014 V. Konstantynov, S. Aksyonov and R. Temirhaliyev made such illegal referendum as reality in Autonomous Republic of Crimea - referendum about Crimea's going out of Ukraine and joining to Russia without Ukrainian state power's permission on such Crimean entry from Ukrainian state, but with presence of Russian army on the Crimean peninsula.Last week Central Electoral Commission of Ukraine closed the access to electoral base of Ukrainian citizens for statesmen of Autonomous Republic of Crimea, so it's a big question where Crimean so-called "state power" (self-proclaimed) got the list and dates of Crimean electors. Or were referendum's results just invented by V.Konstantynov and S.Aksyonov? The referendum's result of self-proclaimed Crimean power is almost 97% Crimean voters said "yes" for joing Russian state. And it's in the situation when Ukrainians (25% of Crimean population) and Crimean Tartars (12% of Crimean population), who are living on the Crimean peninsula, said before referendum many times about their own boycott of this illegal voting. I guess that not all Russians, living in Crimea, wanted to take part in such referendum, protected by Russian army. Anyway, on 17th March Konstantynov and Aksyonov named these voting's results and proclaimed Crimean state, independent from Ukraine. After that, on 18th March, Russian President Vladimir Putin recognized very quickly the results of Crimean referendum, named it free and fair voting, agreed to annex "Crimea state" to Russian Federation and signed Treaty about Crimea's annexion to Russian state with V.Konstantynov and S.Aksyonov in Moscow.
And now a few of Ukrainian history. Ukraine signed Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances with the Russian Federation, the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland and also acceded to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons on 5th December 1994. Then Ukraine refused from own nuclear weapons and the USA, Russia and the UK guaranteed security assurances for Ukrainian state. According Budapest Memorandum, the first and main duty of Ukrainian guarantors of state security, was to respect Ukrainian independence and sovereignty within its existing borders. As whole world might to see in March of 2014, one of Ukrainian security's guarantee, Russian Federation turned out the aggressor and the occupant of Ukrainian land. Now Ukraine's citizens very hope on American and British assurances, given almost 20 years ago for young Ukrainian state. Ukrainians have already seen that it was mistake to refuse from own nuclear weapons, having such neighbour as Russia. And it will be very honest step towards state security and useful decision for Ukraine to produce new nuclear weapons in the future to protect own country against foreign occupants.
Nowadays when Russian soldiers killed first Ukrainian officer and injured several Ukrainian soldiers in Simferopol, when Russian army began to evict the families of Ukrainian frontier guards from their own homes! in Crimea, when Ukrainian military bases of Crimea are blocked more than two weeks by Russian soldiers and citizens, when so-called Crimean self-defence, controled by S.Aksyonov, has stolen three pro-Ukrainian activists and several Ukrainian military men on the Crimean peninsula, and many others sad events happen since military intervention of Russian army into Crimea. In that case Ukraine needs world's protection and help against present Russian military intervention. Russian aggression is also spreading in Luhansk, Donetsk and Kharkiv regions by Russian citizens, who visit Luhansk, Donetsk and Kharkiv cities and storm Ukrainian state buildings, break them and catch on Russian state flags, exclaim that these Ukrainian cities are Russian territory and demand to organize there the same "referendum" as Crimean was. Horrible things are happening in Ukraine. And till December, 2014 Ukraine was the third largest country in the world with nuclear weapons, but Ukraine trusted the world and especially its three state-guarantors of Ukrainian security, refusing from this weapon. World must stop Russian aggression over Ukraine, if world doesn't want to have maybe new global war. High-developed countries must stop Russian occupation of Ukrainian territory, if they want to have a trust from the rest of the world. Probably, the most effective actions of high-developed states towards Russian state power would be sanctions against Russian companies, blocking of the foreign bank accounts of Russian oligarchs and statesmen from Putin's encirclement and of their relatives, at least 6-months-ban of entry to that countries for Russian statesmen and oligarchs, their wives and children. Because if the world wants to have peace, must stop modern activity of Putin's regime over Ukraine.