Wednesday 27 April 2011

The 25-th anniversary of nuclear tragedy in Chornobyl on April 26th, 2011...There were published so much articles in the newspapers and in the web and many TV-programmes were shown on the TV, that I'd prefer to write shortly about Chornobyl. Because it's also very sad Ukrainian event and because 1986 is a year of my birthday too. And I remember how some fool teachers named me and my schoolmates "Chornobyl children" only because of our birthday's year, though nobody from us was born in Chornobyl or nearby.
And in my opinion the biggest tragedy of Chornobyl disaster was cynical behaviour of the Soviet power after nuclear clash. Soviet power didn't say people the truth about dangerous Chornobyl situation on April 26, but a day after a soccer match was in Kyiv and on May 1 traditional parade was held in all Ukrainian cities! Can You believe in such power's cynism toward own citizens?
And how many boys arrived on the disaster's place from all sights of Ukraine "to save Chornobyl situation"! They didn't know certainly what happened there, they weren't saviours for their profession and they even knew nothing in the nuclear industry. These men were only a cannon-fodder for Soviet regime. But Soviet regime usually thought about people as about cannon-fodder and not as about human beings.
Nowadays the worst thing is the unknowledge about the true situation in the region after Chornobyl disaster. And though the URSS is in the past and Ukraine is an independent state now, but the Ukrainian power' style is like Soviet in all - the mainest is to show that "all is perfect" in the news, while there are growing huge problems in the country.

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